
What Can Help You Suppress Hunger & More!

The #1 Nutrient You Must Eat and the 7 Best Ways To Get It

What Can Help You Suppress Hunger & More! avocado-549x349-1

Let’s get right to the point. It’s Fiber.

For fast, lasting fat loss and lots more, dietary fiber reigns supreme.

Too bad we’re not getting nearly enough.

One study titled “Trends in dietary fiber intake in the United States, 1999-2008,” published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , found the average person gets about 15 grams of fiber a day, well below the 25-38 grams recommended adequate intake for adults.

Among its numerous benefits, fiber can help you lose weight. That’s because it helps slow down stomach emptying so you feel fuller longer.

Studies show fiber also suppresses your hunger hormone ghrelin and stabilizes blood sugar and insulin levels. It fills you up faster for fewer calories.

Those are among the reasons I call fiber a magic bullet for fast, lasting fat loss. A recent study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine supports my theory.

Researchers asked 240 participants to either eat fewer calories and follow the American Heart Association’s diet or simply get more dietary fiber.

One year later, the fiber folks lost an average of 4.6 pounds , whereas the reduced-calorie group lost an average of six pounds. Impressive, considering the fiber group made no other dietary modifications.

To get fast, lasting fat loss and fiber’s other benefits, I want you to get 50 grams of fiber daily. Yes, 50.

Please don’t do this all at once. Gradually increase your intake five grams a week until you’ve met that quota. I’ve got seven easy ways to easily increase fiber intake:

  1. Non-starchy veggies. Leafy and cruciferous greens are nutrient and fiber powerhouses. Whether steamed, sautéed, or raw in salads, veggies definitely fall into the “more is better” category.
  2. Berries . Every one of these low-sugar impact fruits are high in fiber, but raspberries reign supreme with eight grams of fiber per cup.
  3. Avocado. Along with heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and hard-to-get fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins K and E, one cup of avocado provides an impressive 10 grams – that’s 40 percent – of your day’s fiber intake. Plus it makes everything so much more delicious.
  4. Slow roasted or dehydrated almonds. Loaded with protein, healthy fats, and hard-to-get nutrients like magnesium, a quarter-cup of slow-roasted or dehydrated almonds provides three grams of fiber. Almond butter provides those same benefits. Smear a little bit on some celery for a decadent fiber wallop!
  5. Lentils. Most legumes are fiber-packed, but I especially love lentils because they’re so darn versatile and delicious. In his book The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth , Dr. Jonny Bowden notes one cup of lentils packs a whopping 16 grams, which officially makes them a fiber heavyweight.
  6. Freshly ground flaxseeds. Besides being an excellent source of the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), flaxseed is rich in anti-cancer lignans, and two tablespoons provides almost four grams of fiber.
  7. Extra Fiber. Even the most well intended, health-minded folks occasionally struggle to meet their 50-gram daily fiber quota. That’s why I never travel without Extra Fiber , a top-of-the-line powder that combines 12 different types of fiber to mimic what you get in high-fiber whole foods. Every serving contains an impressive four grams of fiber and mixes well into shakes, water, or any preferred beverage.

A protein shake becomes my favorite way to increase fiber intake, which provides you steady, sustained energy all morning. Adding avocado, frozen raspberries, raw kale (you won’t taste it), and freshly ground flaxseed or Extra Fiber to my Paleo – or plant-based protein powder provides about 15 – 20 grams of fiber. Do one of these once or twice daily and you’ve almost hit your 50-gram quota.

OK everybody. Let’s head out to the supermarket.

Women's Health

Vaginal Rejuvenation For Optimal Women’s Health

Today, technological advancements have revolutionized human life and help us connect better and faster. While we take full advantage of technological marvels of human ingenuity, the solutions concerning with women issues are either standard or conventional. One of the challenges faced is primarily due to women’s voice being unheard, while another setback comes in the form of lack of confidence in addressing those issues from women themselves. One such issue which quite often finds itself being swept under the rug is Vaginal Rejuvenation.

What is Vaginal Rejuvenation? How does it work? Is it painful? These are the few burning questions that have been encountered when asked about Vaginal Rejuvenation. Without any further ado, let’s quickly go over it.

1. What is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal Rejuvenation is a procedure that is designed to increase sexual gratification or to give a boost to cosmetic appearance. This treatment has attracted a lot of celebrities and high profile elites, thus have been dubbed as “The Fountain of Youth” and when all things are taken into consideration, it is right to be called such.

Vaginal Rejuvenation can be achieved either by an invasive procedure such as vaginal rejuvenation surgery or non-invasive procedure such as through BTL Ultra Femme 360, which is what we discuss now.

2. How does one achieve Labial and Vaginal tightening through the non-invasive procedure?

The answer is in the name of the technology which allows us to achieve desired results in a matter of just 8 minutes, in three sessions. It’s called BTL Ultra Femme 360 because the way the heat is delivered to the tissues in a 360 pattern. This technology uses radio frequency. Using a probe with a band, it is moved forward and backward in the vaginal canal where the band emits radio frequency. This radio frequency then heats up the tissues from the inside. The non-invasive treatment includes both internal and external treatment; for external treatment, the band on the probe is switched which helps with Vulva (Labia) and the cosmetic appearance.

Internal treatment takes about 8 minutes, whereas the external treatment takes about 15 minutes. Vaginal Rejuvenation, simply put, is the tightening of the muscles of female vagina area, rebuild laxity and to bring the labia inside.

3. Is Vaginal Rejuvenation Painful?

No. The Ultra Femme 360 Vagina Rejuvenation treatment entails a non-invasive, no downtime and pain-free procedure for the female vaginal area. The radio frequency which gives heat to the tissues is much similar to warm sensations from hot stone massage. And, vaginal rejuvenation has no age limit and women of all ages can have this pain-free procedure performed.

4. Conclusion

In Conclusion, Vaginal Rejuvenation is an effective and painless treatment for vaginal laxity as well as stress urinary incontinence. Giving voice to issues which often go misunderstood or unheard, and addressing those issues concerning the optimal health of the figure that is an embodiment of peace, gracefulness, and beauty, must be a priority for all. With cosmetic appearance getting an uplight, enhanced sexual intimacy and self-confidence are also the by-products of 8 minutes of vaginal rejuvenation procedure.

Vaginal Rejuvenation is available in Boston and Rhode Island Area, Massachusetts, bringing a whole new approach to women’s health. The Vagina Rejuvenation Ultra Femme 360™ Procedure provides an Internal and Labia Minora Vaginal Rejuvenation and dyspareunia treatment for improved Vagina visual appearance and enhanced sexual intimacy. The Vaginal Rejuvenation and entire Vulva area including Plumping of Labia Majora, Lifting and firming of Labia Minora, Tightening of Introitus (vaginal opening), Tightening of Vaginal Canal, Tightening of Perineum, Increased Blood Flow to Clitoris, Increased Sensitivity & Improved Orgasm, Improvement in Stress Urinary Incontinence, Improves dryness after cancer radiation/chemotherapy.

To restore youth and confidence, contact Cosmetic Solution Laser MedSpa at (857) 288-8257.


How to Look Young Forever

Everyone likes to appear younger than they are. To accomplish this, there are various things you can do that aid in your health and appearance. At Cosmetic Laser Solutions, we help our patients to look and feel great through our various skin rejuvenation treatments and wellness programs.

Hydrate And Hydrate More

It is also very important to drink a lot of water. Your water intake depends heavily on your current health, activity level, age, and more. Generally speaking, a healthy person could consume about 2 gallons of water. However, you don’t have to drink it all – some fruits and vegetables have enough water in them to count towards your daily intake! Skin cells require adequate hydration in order for them to stay healthy and help you look younger.


Physical activity is always recommended since it is good at keeping your mind and body healthy. It boosts the flow of blood and helps transport the nutrients and oxygen throughout the body and skin, making it look more youthful. Exercise is also helpful with brain function and can actually add years to your life.

Add Supplements To Your Life

Nutritional supplements are always a good idea for improved health. Since both environment and biological factors can have an impact on the health and aging of skin, taking supplements is one way to add nutrients back into your body that otherwise may have been missing from your diet. Not only are supplements good for the skin, but they also make you feel better, and certain ones can help replenish the cells in your body.


Stress is a horrible thing for not just your mind, but also your body. Stress can deplete the body of essential nutrients, and cause aging to excelerate. It is important to take the time to relax in life and learn how to handle things if they start getting too stressful. Maybe take up some thing such as yoga or meditation, or even just taking a moment to extract yourself from the hustle and bustle of life.

Seek Help

Sometimes you might need a little extra help getting your appearance back on track. In those cases, why not go to someone who really knows what they are doing? Here as Cosmetic Laser Solutions, we have many non-invasive procedures that can help with your appearance. To get started on a customized treatment, contact our office today!