
Great Skincare with Organic Virgin Coconut Oil

Fight Wrinkles and Scars with Coconut Oil

Great Skincare with Organic Virgin Coconut Oil coconut-oil-skincare-311x162-1

First off, whatever you need to remember that whatever products you apply to your skin gets absorbed by your body – right down into your lymphatic system. That means everything in your skin care product inevitably becomes part of your system, inevitably. Be careful – alot of skin care products contain many toxins – including carcinogens.

Now, let’s take a look at coconut oil.

About Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains a variety of natural vitamins and minerals. It also possesses both anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.

Coconut oil is edible and it’s a relatively inexpensive item. It offers great healing properties and it helps you restore your skin naturally.

Great Skincare Conditions it can Help With:

1. Wrinkles

The dreaded anticipation of wrinkles. We know they’re coming, so gear up with coconut oil to fight them off!

Coconut Oil has a plethora of antioxidants. Coconut oil protects your skin from the outdoor elements which break down skin cells. Add on a medical grade Vitamin A and E skincare product and you’ve got a rock solid foundation for collagen stimulation which helps keep your skin firm.

What about sagging skin? Coconut oil prevents skin sagging and wrinkles by maintaining the connective tissues in the skin.

How to Prepare

To fight wrinkles, you can use coconut oil as a stand-alone product or combine it with Medical Grade Vitamin A & E for best results.

  • Just before you go to bed each night, simply massage extra virgin organic coconut oil onto the affected area (wrinkled skin).
  • Apply Medical Grade Vitamin A&E
  • Do this until the coconut formula combo gets absorbed completely.
  • Do not try to wash it off, leave overnight.
  • Be diligent in applying daily.
  • For faster results, make a habit of consuming 3 tablespoons of coconut every day to jump start beautiful skin from within.

2. Scars

Unfortunately, youth acne can often lead to acne scars. Discoloration and uneven pigment on your face could be embarrassing and oftentime affect one’s self confidence and self-esteem.

Coconut oil’s make-up (i.e., Lauric acid, vitamin E, Capric, Caprylic acid) is a great remedy for fading scars. Add on a Medical Grade Vitamin E Skincare Product and you’ll find it will speed up the healing of skin abrasions and a host of other skin injuries to the skin. As an added bonus, coconut oil prevents the formation of more scars as its strong antioxidant presence acts as a defensive barrier.

How to Prepare

Scarring can be minimized with this routine and you get a soothing effect that’s beneficial in the area applied.

  • Heat the coconut oil so it liquefies.
  • Take warm oil into your palm.
  • Massage the area of the scar gently, at least once per day.
  • You may apply 2-4 times a day for faster healing.
  • Leave the oil on the affected areas to let your skin absorb as much of it as possible.

Which Coconut Oil Should I Choose?

Be aware, not all coconut oil is equal. Don’t put coconut cooking oil on your face!

Here are quick and easy steps to identify the coconut oil superfood that your skin needs.

Basically, there are two kinds of coconut oil, one that comes from sun-dried coconuts and the other from fresh coconuts. Coconut oil extracted from sun-dried coconut and is derived by applying very high heat. Coconut Cooking Oil has many chemicals involved in the refining process and not suitable for skin care.

The other type of coconut oil comes from the freshest of coconuts. What’s notable is that high heat isn’t used in extracting the fruit’s oil. Thus, not only does the resulting oil taste and smell a lot like coconuts, it carries the most nutrients. Dubbed unrefined coconut oil, or organic virgin coconut oil (VCO), this is the coconut oil that you should go for, as it has the most coco nutrients preserved.

Make sure you check labels to be sure it is organic or virgin.

If you’re still not sure if using coconut oil is good for your skin, try applying some on a small skin wound. You’ll be surprised how much faster the wounds will heal with regular application. Then, when your comfortable start using on a “problem area” of your face and watch the improvement.

Luckily, coconut oil has a lot to offer in the anti-inflammatory and analgesic departments. This is the reason why it’s virtually a one-stop shop for many skin irregularities, including eczema, psoriasis, acne and much more. Organic Coconut Oil has been become a staple beauty product and should definitely be added to your face care regiment.


What’s Better Than a Facial?

Why, of course a Laser Facial! Maximize Collagen Production & Skin Health!

Keeping this layer of skin at maximum collagen production will keep your skin thickness at peak levels thereby insuring tighter, firmer skin.

How do I reach the dermis to maximize skin health?

It is the skin’s thickness that prevents aging. Our approach is to bolster and fortify the deeper layers of your skin. Utilizing FDA approved lasers with radio frequency technology we can reach the dermis layers.

What about serums and moisturizers? Will they help?

Why most topical cosmetic serums and moisturizers are not as effective and target the superficial skin layer. Many, if not all, over the counter serums and moisturizers treat only the top layer of the skin – the epidermis.

Many regulatory bodies restrict cosmetic topical skin products from working within the second layer, the dermis. What happens in the dermis impacts the appearance of the epidermis.

By not reaching the dermis, this is a missed opportunity to bring about reversed aging, or to protect against aging

Get a Laser Facials! While regular facials are great, they have little impact on skin thickness.

Does the Advanced Laser Facial Hurt?

No. There is no pain or downtime. You will have a pink, flush tone for an hour or two but that’s it! Learn more about Laser Facials… click here

Cosmetic Laser Solutions MedSpa offers comprehensive solutions for complete facial rejuvenation. Come see us for a free consultation and we’ll design a treatment plan based on your needs.

Stoneham | Wilmington | Attleboro


Body Contouring

Ultrashape Power, Ultrashape You!

No matter how many times we exercise or eat healthy on regular basis, discovering that there are “problems areas” on our body which we can’t seem to lose downgrades our personal appearance. With current technological advancements, however, it is now more than easier to achieve fat reduction through non-invasive, painless and secured methods. One of such non-invasive body contouring treatments come in the form of Ultrashape Power to restore your confidence, self-esteem and achieve desired body shape. Ultrashape Power removes fat permanently. To demonstrate how this non-invasive body contouring treatment reduces fat from problem areas, let us look into it.


● What is Ultrashape Power?

Ultrashape Power is a complete and permanent body contouring solution to reduce fat without any surgery or invasive methods. It only targets fat cells and leaves surround tissues -blood vessels, connective tissues and nerves- unharmed and protected. Ultrashape Power was designed to resonate at the specific frequency that most affect fat cells.

Simply put, Ultrashape Power is destroying fat cells with Ultrasound technology.

There’s no downtime, no anesthesia is required and is FDA approved.

● How does Ultrashape Power works?

Ultrashape Power treatment uses focused pulse ultrasound to selectively destroy fat cells beneath the skin immediately, which makes Ultrashape Power system unique as this body contouring treatment discards less effective method of cold or heat to zap fat cells and destroy them.

Ultrashape Power works, for instance, as a magnifying glass focusing a point of light. As the acoustic waves of energy are focused at a point below the skin surface through the transducer, ultrasound energy is delivered. This focused ultrasound is what makes the body contouring treatment- Ultrashape Power- effective as the waves cause rapid changes in pressure and creates bubbles in the fluid between stubborn fat cells. At the microscopic level, these bubbles collapse from rapid changes in pressure which leads to the walls of the fat cells to rupture. The targeted cells instantly vaporize, easily removed by the lymph system and excreted through the urine.

● For patients

As a patient there is less time investment for the treatment. Virtually painless body contouring treatment, maximum results of the fat reduction may not be fully achieved until about 60-90 days post the final treatment, however, the beginning of fat reduction is usually seen within the first 14 days post treatment. Three sessions are recommended (may vary from individual to individual) and is less costly than surgical liposuction. Another advantage of Ultrashape Power post-treatment is that it comes with no recovery time.

● Why choose Ultrashape Power Laser Fat Removal?

Ultrashape Power laser fat removal, on one hand, targets the subcutaneous fat or the outer layer that is most difficult to reduce with diet and exercise. On the other hand, diet and exercise is most effective on Visceral fat or the interior layer. Thus, it allows you to lose more weight in less time. In addition to eradicating the subcutaneous fat, Ultrashape Power has the highest percentage of fat reduction of any laser device- 32 percent and comes with 3D mapping of your treatment, which ensures that throughout the body contouring treatment the energy is delivered uniformly in areas which need it the most. Due to the 3D mapping of the treatment any body contouring irregularities are also minimized.

In conclusion, Ultrashape Power offers a permanent, non-invasive and cost-effective body contouring solution to destroy fat rather than melting it with visible results within two weeks. Cosmetic Laser Solutions Medical Spa, Massachusetts, recommends three laser fat removal treatments, spaced two weeks apart. In addition, maintaining high water hydration is required to assist your body in clearing the fat from your system.

Cosmetic Laser Solutions Medical Spa also offers result oriented and the latest in Laser Technology and Services including Body Contouring with new UltraShape Power, Laser Fat Removal/Tumescent Liposuction, Skin tightening with Exilis, Cellulite treatment with Exilis, Hair loss restoration with PRP, Laser Nail Fungus treatment, Face Wrinkle Treatments for preventative & Anti-aging Care, Tattoo Removal for all colors, Sexual Wellness, Acne Scars & Sun Damage Correction and Laser Spider Vein Removal.


How to Get Rid of Double Chin Fat: What is Kybella and How Can It Get Rid of Chin Fat?

Kybella is a solution for permanent fat reduction in the chin area.

Wish you didn’t have a Double Chin?

Now you can dissolve the fat with Kybella. Kybella is an injectable FDA approved solution that destroys the fat cell and gives you back chin definition ! No incisions, no scars. Pretty simple, right? So you ask…how does it work?

Kybella is injected with micro needles into the chin area. Over the next 6 weeks the solution breaks down the fat cell and the fat gets processed through your liver and discharged. There is some swelling initially, but ice packs can help with the minor discomfort and ease the swelling.

Next question: How many treatments do I need? It really varies on how much fat you need to eliminate. Generally it is 2-4 sessions spaced 6 weeks apart.

If you’re tired of having a bulky chin area, come in to see us for a free consultation. #DoubleChin, #RemoveFat, #Kybella
Learn More About Kybella: Click Here